Standard Wynn Casino

woot. back alive from San Francisco. lets get back to work.

Name: Wynn Casino (Icon Standard)
Date: 6.29.2009

Cost: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ○ ○ ○ ○
Do you know where to look? So when these were introduced, prices were a little…on the high side. Yea. Well now, you should land these around 3$ a deck. Cheaper if you buy in bulk. I won’t say where though,,,since I still need to buy some more.

Wynn : Love that security.
Wynn : Love that security.
Wynn : Back of Security makes for a blank set up.
Wynn : Back of Security makes for a blank set up.

Availability:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Hm. Retired Casino Stock. White Bordered Bee. Somewhat in demand. Stock up. But its still available at the moment. Quite available.

Wynn : Compare the Jokers. Wynn on left.
Wynn : Compare the Jokers. Wynn on left.

Life/Finish: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ○ ○ ○ ○

Wynn : New Box Spread
Wynn : New Box Spread

Okay lets see here…It says Bee’s Diamond Back Club Special. With Cambric Finish. But why are Wynns special. Because because…it’s a solid paint back design. Single color casino logo. But. I would have to say/agree that this is not the same as all other Bees. Its got a more…slick/waxy/crisp feel to it rather than typical say…stocky. Nonetheless it is durable. But the finish is still odd. No super perfect fans new from box. Also, it eats sweat and clumps quickly too. But this makes spreads a little better. See pictures below for an idea.

Wynn : New box Fan.
Wynn : New box Fan.
Wynn : New vs. One Year Old/Use
Wynn : New vs. One Year Old/Use
Wynn : Decks above on spread. Top: New, Bottom: Old
Wynn : Decks above on spread. Top: New, Bottom: Old
Wynn : New Face Spread = Less Control
Wynn : New Face Spread = Less Control
Wynn : Old deck on face spread.= More Control
Wynn : Old deck on face spread.= More Control

Faro: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Wynn : Faro
Wynn : Faro

Hit or miss. The one deck I opened today faros well….faceup. Back up. Not so much. Difficult. More difficult than those black 808 bikes I had. Ew.

Wynn : Faro and Spread
Wynn : Faro and Spread

Back Design: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ○ ○
Awesome. Solid. Cinnamon/crimson red. Like the casino red. Not bright red. Well. Only because I care about the reds only. Blue/violet..whatever…heh.

Wynn : Join the white border bee family.
Wynn : Join the white border bee family.

Tamariz Perpendicular Control: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Diagonal card insertion: Good. Check.
Culling portion of the move. Not so good. Moves additional cards in the spread due to the finish. Scary. Not entirely avoidable. Darn.

Wynn : Casino Red
Wynn : Casino Red


Wynn : Added to my "buy this summer" list.
Wynn : Added to my "buy this summer" list.

-So. Wynn casino. I was holding off on posting on these for awhile. Until I got some jumbo indexes. Because I hear they’re different. As for brown wynns. I sold most of mine off on eBay. They’re okay. Probably get into those tomorrow. Wynn. It’s Bee stock. Good old bee. I’m heavily leaning towards using Bee decks for whatever magic I may or may not be doing in the upcoming year(school year). Maybe I should focus on academics. Haha. Shrugs. Good deck. Be aware that shelf life is considerably shorter if you’re focusing on cleanliness. Though its more durable than say a bicycle deck, bicycle is much more expendable. Wynn seems to be the type of card you’d use for say,,,a more reserved setting perhaps. Or for XCM and cardistry and that stuff. Yea can’t forget about that. The clumping factor of these cards will boost that quite well. I’d go for DnD’s vertigo hackysack with these. Fun . Stuff .

–Kudos ♪♫