100 RamblerKudos Posts!

RamblerKudos: Red, Black, and White
RamblerKudos: Red, Black, and White

2009/05/18 to 4/25/2015

With a 3 year break in between and 53,145 visits.

Guys, there’s a Follow on WordPress button over there <-

I have like, 2 followers. There’s also Instagram and Facebook if you guys are into those. And Twitter, but I don’t like using Twitter.

Thanks everyone for dropping in. Even without any input from me in the past few years, we’ve had on average 2,000 unique visitors each year across 121 countries. Here are some stats from 2012-2014.

2012-2014 Site Visits by Country
2012-2014 Site Visits by Country

Shoutouts to USA, Japan, China, UK, Canada, France, and Australia. Apparently 2010 and 2011 don’t count cause WordPress wasn’t logging geographical data then. I remember having to throw in a random external widget for that.

We’ll see if we can hit 200 posts by the end of the year.


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